
Strumenti per la nuova agenda urbana

Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, la società civile, le imprese e gli Enti di Ricerca sono i principali motori dello sviluppo sostenibile. L'obiettivo di migliorare il progresso ambientale, economico, sociale e culturale delle aree urbane è una questione trasversale tra Agenda urbana per l'UE, Nuova Agenda Urbana delle Nazioni Unite e gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, Agenda ONU 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile).

Developing multiscale and integrative nature–people scenarios using the Nature Futures Framework

1. Scientists have repeatedly argued that transformative, multiscale global scenarios
are needed as tools in the quest to halt the decline of biodiversity and achieve
sustainability goals.
2. As a first step towards achieving this, the researchers who participated in the
scenarios and models expert group of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) entered into an iterative,
participatory process that led to the development of the Nature Futures Framework

Towards pathways bending the curve terrestrial biodiversity trends within the 21st century

Unless actions are taken to reduce multiple anthropogenic pressures, biodiversity is expected to continue declining at an alarming rate. Models and scenarios can be used to help design the pathways to sustain a thriving nature and its ability to contribute to people. This approach has so far been hampered by the complexity associated with combining projections of pressures on, and subsequent responses from, biodiversity.

Global mismatch of policy and research on drivers of biodiversity loss

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for urgent actions to reduce global biodiversity loss. Here, we synthesize >44,000 articles published in the past decade to assess the research focus on global drivers of loss. Relative research efforts on different drivers are not well aligned with their assessed impact, and multiple driver interactions are hardly considered. Research on drivers of biodiversity loss needs urgent realignment to match predicted severity and inform policy goals.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma