Eastern Liguria

Isselite, Cu6(SO4)(OH)10(H2O)4·h2O, a new mineral species from Eastern Liguria, Italy

The new mineral isselite, Cu6(SO4)(OH)10(H2O)4·H2O, has been discovered in the Lagoscuro mine, Monte Ramazzo mining complex, Genoa, Eastern Liguria, Italy. It occurs as sprays of blue acicular crystals, up to 0.1 mm long, associated with brochantite and posnjakite. Streak is light blue and the lustre is vitreous. Isselite is brittle, with irregular fracture and good cleavage on {001} and {100}. Measured density is 3.00(2) g/cm3. Isselite is optically biaxial (-), with α = 1.599(2), β = 1.633(2) and γ = 1.647(2) (determined in white light). The measured 2V is 63.6(5)°.

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