opioid analgesics

Transdermal buprenorphine for moderate chronic noncancer pain syndromes

Introduction: Chronic noncancer pain has remained a challenging clinical problem. Opioid analgesics are effective, but they are known to be associated with opioid use disorder and potentially treatment-limiting side effects. Buprenorphine is a Schedule III synthetic opioid in the USA with a chemical structure similar to that of morphine but with a longer duration of action, greater potency, and other unique pharmacological attributes. Its role in treatment of chronic noncancer pain may be broader than currently thought.

The TAP block in obese patients. Pros and cons

The growing number of laparoscopic surgical procedures performed in obese patients has increased the need to explore suitable analgesic techniques for a prone population to postoperative complications. The morbidly obese population may particularly benefit from the opioid-sparing or the opioid-free anesthesia/analgesia, which maximize the use of locoregional techniques. Transversus abdominal plane (TAP) block has been widely used as part of multimodal analgesia for abdominal and gynecological surgeries, but evidence in obese patients is still poor.

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