N2O decomposition

Operando FTIR study of Fe-MOR, Co-MOR, and Ni-MOR as catalysts for simultaneous abatement of NOx and N2O with CH4 in the presence of O2. An insight on reaction pathway

Co-, Fe- or Ni-exchanged Na-MOR (Si/Al=9.2) were prepared by ion-exchange method. The catalytic activity of
Fe-MOR catalyst for the simultaneous selective catalytic reduction of NOx and N2O with CH4 in the presence of
excess O2 (SCRsim) and for the related reactions (SCRN2O, SCRNO, N2O decomposition, N2O decomposition in the
presence of NO and CH4 combustion) was investigated and compared with that previously measured for Co-MOR
and Ni-MOR. The evolution of the surface species on Co-, Fe- or Ni-MOR (tmi-MOR) in the presence of flowing

N2O decomposition and reduction on Co-MOR, Fe-MOR and Ni-MOR catalysts: in situ UV–vis DRS and operando FTIR investigation. An insight on the reaction pathways

Co-, Fe- or Ni-exchanged Na-MOR (Si/Al = 9.2) were prepared by ion-exchange method. The catalytic activity for N2O decomposition in the absence or in the presence of NO and for N2O reduction with CH4 in the absence of O2 (CRN2O), or in the presence of O2 (SCRN2O) was investigated. The catalytic measurements were performed in a flow apparatus with GC analysis of reactants and products. On Fe-MOR, in situ FTIR and UV–vis characterization evidenced coordinatively unsaturated sites (c.u.s.) Fe2+ arising from two families of Fe3+ dimers with different reducibility.

The mechanism of NO and N2O decomposition catalyzed by short-distance Cu(I) pairs in Cu-ZSM-5: A DFT study on the possible role of NO and NO2in the [Cu–O–Cu]2+active site reduction

The reactivity between NO and the oxidized form of a short-distance dinuclear Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst (ZCu2O) was investigated. ZCu2O, which contains the [Cu–O–Cu]2+bridge coordinated at the opposite T11 positions of the M6 ring of ZSM-5, is obtained by the spin-forbidden decomposition of N2O on the reduced form of the catalyst, ZCu2, with an activation energy of about 18 kcal mol−1. The further addition of NO to the [Cu–O–Cu]2+unit of ZCu2O occurs in the doublet state without activation energy and gives NO2.

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