
Metarithmistikos (pefotismenos) italikos filelinismos. Apo ti Rosia sti Napoli (Μεταρρυθμιστικός (πεφωτισμένος) ιταλικός φιλελληνισμός. Από τη Ρωσία στη Νάπολη)

In this paper I deal with the first philhellenic documents, appearing in Italy in the 1770’s, and I attempt to highlight their particularity and their characteristics. More specifically, I examine texts such as Voti dei greci all’Europa cristiana [1771], Componimenti poetici di varj autori in lode di Caterina II [1771], Componimenti poetici di varj autori in lode di Sua Eccellenza il signor conte Alessio Orlow [1772] in relation to the historical events of that period and also to the specific goals of their authors.

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