avanguardie artistiche del Novecento

„PRAHA BYLA KRÁSNĚJŠÍ NEŽ ŘÍM“. Angelo M. Ripellino a příběh české poezie a umění

The paper deals with the conception of the exhibition "Prague was more beautiful than Rome". Story of the Czech Avant-garde. The starting point is Angelo Maria Ripellino's first book, History of contemporary Czech poetry, and its recounting of Czech culture in the fistr half of the XXth century: Ripellino was aware of the unparalleled character of Czech avant-garde; moreover, he can rely on information from the protagonists of Czech avant-garde movements, as the letters found in Ripellino's archives show.

Ediční poznámky

The commentary to the Czech translation of Angelo M. Ripellino's History of contemporary Czech poetry (1950) shows the debt of the grat Italian scholar to his Czech correspondants and clarifies the methodological structure of the essay.

Úvodem: Kouzlo pražské alchymie

The paper deals with the History of Contemporary Czech Poetry (Storia della poesia ceca contemporanea), the first book by Italian Bohemist and Russianist Angelo M. Ripellino, which appeared in four hundred numbered copies in Rome in 1950. It was a period in which many of the poets, critics and artists the author was writing about were persecuted by the

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