
Fundamental frequencies and buckling in pre-stressed parabolic arches

We operate a perturbation approach on the finite field equations for clamped slender arches with compact symmetric cross-section and parabolic centre curve under a uniform line load parallel to their symmetry axis. We study small vibration superposed on the relevant stress, assumed of membrane nature. We find the fundamental angular frequency in terms of the aspect ratio of the arch and of the pre-load; the possibility of buckling is examined. This is a first step towards monitoring such structures, and evaluating pre-loads and structural integrity by dynamic measurements.

Suitable radial grading may considerably increase buckling loads of FGM circular plates

In this paper, we study buckling of radially FGM circular plates. In a previous study, a fourth-order polynomial expressing the exact solution of a linear elastic problem was used as buckling mode shape. To generalise such investigation, in this contribution the buckling mode is postulated to take the shape of a fifth-order polynomial function of the radial coordinate. The flexural rigidity is consequently sought as a polynomial of suitable order, expressing the functional grading. New solutions in closed form are then obtained by a semi-inverse method.

Buckling of circular plates with functional grading in two directions

This short note considers thin circular plates, functionally graded in both axial and transverse directions and loaded in compression on the middle plane by a uniform axisymmetric load. The functional grading is based on recent literature on the subject and we deal with a direct problem for buckling, i.e., given the geometry of the plate and its constitutive properties, the critical load multiplier and the buckling mode are determined by a usual non-triviality condition.

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