Robot-assisted radical cystectomy with intracorporeal neobladder: impact of learning curve and long-term assessment of functional outcomes

BACKGROUND: There is paucity of data about functional outcomes of Robot-assisted Radical Cystectomy (RARC) with intracorporeal orhotopic neobladder (ICON), and the impact of learning curve (LC) on those outcomes remains to be addressed. We aimed to report long-term functional outcomes of our single center series of RARC with ICON, assessing the role of LC in their achievement.METHODS: Patients treated with Robot assisted radical cystectomy with intracorporeal orthotopic neobladder in our center between January 2012 an August 2019 were retrospectively analysed.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma