
Eco-Distretto | Eco-District

Un eco-distretto è un quartiere impegnato sul piano del perseguimento della sostenibilità con persone responsabilizzate, edifici verdi e infrastrutture intelligenti. Gli eco-distretti sono una strategia globale per accelerare lo sviluppo sostenibile su scala di quartiere integrando progetti di edifici e infrastrutture con azioni comunitarie e individuali. Rappresentano una scala importante per accelerare la sostenibilità: abbastanza piccoli da innovare rapidamente e abbastanza grandi da avere un impatto significativo.

Seismic Risk Assessment for Masonry Buildings Typologies from L’Aquila 2009 Earthquake Damage Data

In this study a seismic risk analysis of masonry buildings based on damage data of L’Aquila 2009 earthquake is presented. Typological loss curves and Expected Annualized Losses (EAL) values are presented, starting from the data collected into AeDES forms available in the Da.D.O. database. A completion is proposed for improving the sample statistical significance, and correctly including undamaged and not surveyed buildings that suffered low shaking values.

Attachment Styles and Communication of Displeasing Truths

This work explores how humans manage the communication of a displeasing and face-threatening truth and how the communicative strategies of the sender and the reaction of the receiver are influenced by their attachment style. Two experimental studies demonstrate that the attachment styles of both senders and receivers can influence the communicative styles of the sender, the emotions that both senders and receivers feel or attribute to their interlocutor, and the reactions of the receivers. In Study 1, couples of participants played a bogus computer game, ostensibly to test their abilities.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma