Abnormalities of cortical sources of resting state delta electroencephalographic rhythms are related to epileptiform activity in patients with amnesic mild cognitive impairment not due to Alzheimer's disease
In the present exploratory and retrospective study, we hypothesized that cortical sources of resting state eyes-closed electroencephalographic (rsEEG) rhythms might be more abnormal in patients with epileptiform EEG activity (spike-sharp wave discharges, giant spikes) and amnesic mild cognitive impairment not due to Alzheimer's disease (noADMCI-EEA) than matched noADMCI patients without EEA (noADMCI-noEEA). Clinical, neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and rsEEG data in 32 noADMCI and 30 normal elderly (Nold) subjects were available in a national archive.