thermal modeling

Tectonic evolution of the Northern Oman Mountains, part of the Strait of Hormuz syntaxis. New structural and paleothermal analyses and U-Pb dating of synkinematic Calcite

The Oman Mountains expose Permo-Mesozoic shelf rocks of Arabia overridden by continental slope/basinal sediments and Semail Ophiolites during Late Cretaceous. A major syntaxis is represented by the Musandam Peninsula and Dibba Zone. The overthrusting of allochthonous units onto the Musandam shelf carbonates initiated during the Cenomanian. Structural analyses in the Musandam Peninsula constrained top-to-the-west thrusting that took place 74–60 Ma ago (U-Pb datings of synkinematic calcites), about 15–30 Ma after the obduction of the Semail Ophiolite.

Development of a High Power Density Drive System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Unmanned aerial vehicles are characterized by a set of requirements, like high efficiency, resiliency, and reliability that conflict with the other main requirement of high power density aimed at minimizing the overall weight and size. This article proposes a novel, modular multiphase drive for a quadrotor drone, realized through the integration of an axial flux permanent magnet machine and a GaN-based power electronic converter. After an overview of the design process, starting from the propeller choice, a brief description of the system components is presented.

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