Using large-eddy simulations to design a new hypersonic shock/boundary-layer interaction experiment

Large-eddy simulations of an impinging shock interacting with a turbulent boundary layer are performed at free-stream Mach number M∞ = 7.4 and several shock angles at two cooled wall conditions (wall-to-recovery temperature ratio of Tw/Tr = 0.33 and Tw/Tr = 0.13), both representative of experiments from the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Machine learnt synthetic turbulence for LES inflow conditions

LES computations have limited applications in turbomachinery predictions because of the formidable amount of resources they require. Due to the exponential increase of requirements with Reynolds number, LES is usually limited to elements with moderate flow velocities and to investigate flows characterized by multiple length and time scales that overlaps. It is the case of combustion, aeroacoustics, unstable range of operations such as stalled conditions.

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