District heating

Selecting the optimal use of the geothermal energy produced with a deep borehole heat exchanger. Exergy performance

The geothermal sector has a strength point with respect to other renewable energy sources: the availability of a wide range of both thermal and power applications depending on the source temperature. Several researches have been focused on the possibility to produce geothermal energy without brine extraction, by means of a deep borehole heat exchanger. This solution may be the key to increase the social acceptance, to reduce the environmental impact of geothermal projects, and to exploit unconventional geothermal systems, where the extraction of brine is technically complex.

Reti energetiche locali e insediamenti in Italia

L’articolo vuole contribuire allo studio del decentramento energetico in Italia tramite
l’analisi delle reti locali, principalmente riferite al teleriscaldamento. Di queste
viene considerato un insieme significativo con attenzione ad aspetti territoriali
insediativi. Emerge un quadro complesso con elementi di crisi. Le conclusioni
indicano alcune possibili linee di sviluppo verso un maggiore radicamento territoriale
e più stretta vicinanza con gli indirizzi comunitari di decarbonizzazione.

Territorial energy decentralisation and ecosystem services in Italy: limits and potential

This article focuses on the complex relationships between energy processes and ecosystem services. It highlights the conflicts between them due to the anthropocentric value that characterizes their interrelationship. The article reports the initial results of ongoing research on energy decentralization processes in Italy, examining the Italian districts heating performance, concerning ecosystem provisioning and regulating services. The analysis is based on a sample of more than 150 Italian district-heating systems.

Social and Economic Impact of a Waste-to-Energy Strategy Applied to the Winemaking Chain: A Case Study in the Italian Countryside

The present work analysed the feasibility and impacts of a biomass-fuelled Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant in the Frascati Scientific Park (FSP). The biomass-fuelled CHP will be fed by the pruning coming from the adjoining vineyards of Frascati DOC winemaking chain, thus creating a circular economy on a supposed waste. This process can help an important economic player in the local social community, which is suffering from climate changes conditions.

Producing geothermal energy with a deep borehole heat exchanger: Exergy optimization of different applications and preliminary design criteria

This paper aims at proposing fast and plain design tools to evaluate the best energy application for deep borehole heat exchangers, exploiting geothermal resources. Exergy efficiency has been chosen as a performance index. Five possible utilization solutions have been analyzed: district heating, adsorption cooling, ORC power production, a thermal cascade system, and combined heat and power configuration. An extensive sensitivity analysis on source characteristics and well geometry has been performed to find the design criteria that ensure the maximum exergy performance.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma