brain death

Brain death in pregnancy: what will be left of the life of foetus?

Brain death in pregnancy (BDinP) has been described in literature as a “rare event” and “hopeless condition for
patients”, who has a devastating potential to negatively affect the poetry of the moment of welcoming a new human
life to the world. Clinical consequences of BDinP are extremely dangerous for the life of a foetus that, without prompt
medical actions, is doomed to suffer the same fate as the mother. Modern medical techniques make it possible to

A case of acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy mimicking brain death

The sudden onset of muscle weakness and a flaccid paralysis can be due to several causes, such as polyneuropathies, myelopathies, myopathies or neuromuscular junction dysfunction. The most common etiologies are infectious, inflammatory
or toxic so differential diagnosis is needed to identify the underlying cause and treat it properly. Guillain–Barré syndrome
(GBS) is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide. It represents a continuous spectrum of

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