Model Predictive Control

Feedback linearization-based satellite attitude control with a life-support device without communications

This paper develops a control strategy for a life-support device to be attached to an orbiting satellite to extend its operational life. The objective is met in such a way that the original satellite keeps operating without communications between the two systems (also valuable for energy efficiency). The case in which the original satellite is equipped with a feedback-linearization based controller is considered and the control law for the life-support is developed with the same methodology, obtaining a compensating control which recovers the performance of the original control strategy.

Feasibility-Driven Step Timing Adaptation for Robust MPC-Based Gait Generation in Humanoids

The feasibility region of a Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm is the subset of the state space in which the constrained optimization problem to be solved is feasible. In our recent Intrinsically Stable MPC (IS-MPC) method for humanoid gait generation, feasibility means being able to satisfy the dynamic balance condition, the kinematic constraints on footsteps as well as an explicit stability condition.

Coupling MPC and HJB for the computation of POD-based feedback laws

In this paper we use a reference trajectory computed by a model predictive method to shrink the computational domain where we set the Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation. Via a reduced-order approach based on proper orthogonal decomposition(POD), this procedure allows for an efficient computation of feedback laws for systems driven by parabolic equations. Some numerical examples illustrate the successful realization of the proposed strategy.

An online learning procedure for feedback linearization control without torque measurements

By exploiting an a priori estimate of the dynamic model of a manipulator, it is possible to command joint torques which ideally realize a Feedback Linearization (FL) controller. The exact cancellation may nevertheless not be achieved due to model uncertainties and possible errors in the estimation of the dynamic coefficients. In this work, an online learning scheme for control based on FL is presented.

Economic model predictive and feedback control of a smart grid prosumer node

This paper presents a two-level control scheme for the energy management of an electricity prosumer node equipped with controllable loads, local generation, and storage devices. The main control objective is to optimize the prosumer's energy bill by means of intelligent load shifting and storage control. A generalized tariff model including both volumetric and capacity components is considered, and user preferences as well as all technical constraints are respected. Simulations based on real household consumption data acquired with a sampling period of 1 s are discussed.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma