game theory

Learning strategic cooperative behavior in industrial symbiosis: A game-theoretic approach integrated with agent-based simulation

This paper investigates the negotiation phase of industrial symbiosis relationships, where companies exchanging wastes for inputs need to develop strategies on how to share the additional costs to operate the industrial symbiosis business. The business behavior is approached as a “coopetition” problem where companies need to cooperate to reduce waste discharge costs and traditional input purchase costs and dive into competition to pay a minimum share of additional costs (i.e., waste treatment, waste transportation, and transaction costs) of operating industrial symbiosis.

A game theoretic model and a distributed admission control scheme for quality of service routing

In this paper, we present an innovative distributed quality of service routing scheme suitable to operate in networks of general topology implementing a Diff-Serv service model for QoS support. The proposed scheme is based on a game theoretic non-cooperative model which exploits, on the one hand, the topological information distributed within the network by the current (non-QoS) link-state and distance-vector routing protocols and, on the other hand, the QoS information locally available at the node where the forwarding process takes place.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma