cochlear Implant

Implantologia protesica e processamento uditivo

Implantologia protesica e processamento uditivo

Current projects are: "Communication and language outcomes in children with cochlear implants.", "Pitch and speech perception with cochlear implants", "effects of hearing loss on cognition and quality of life in elders"

Listening effort during speech in noise recognition: a neurophysiologic evaluation of consecutive sound processors

The technological development in the cochlear implants (CI) has been producing external processors designed to increase performances in patients facing word in noise recognition conditions. In our study we investigated the neurophysiological responses underlying these abilities, firstly aiming at obtaining an electroencephalographic (EEG) measure of the listening effort experienced by patients. Secondly, we investigated whether the technological progress reduced such listening effort levels in these patients.

Temporal fine structure processing, pitch and speech perception in adult cochlear implant recipients

Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the link between Temporal Fine Structure (TFS) processing, pitch and speech perception performance in adult cochlear implant (CI) recipients, including bimodal listeners who may benefit better low frequency (LF) temporal coding in the contralateral ear. Design: The study participants were 43 adult CI recipients (23 unilateral, 6 bilateral, 14 bimodal listeners). Two new LF pitch perception tests - Harmonic Intonation (HI) and Disharmonic Intonation (DI) - were used to evaluate TFS sensitivity.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma