Tornado Diagram

Seismic risk of infrastructure systems with treatment of and sensitivity to epistemic uncertainty

Modern society’s very existence is tied to the proper and reliable functioning of its Critical Infrastructure (CI) systems. In the seismic risk assessment of an infrastructure, taking into account all the relevant uncertainties affecting the problem is crucial. While both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties affect the estimate of seismic risk to an infrastructure and should be considered, the focus herein is on the latter.

Modelling uncertainties of Italian code-conforming structures for the purpose of seismic response analysis

This paper describes the multivariate statistical model of the structure-related modelling uncertainty, developed with reference to reinforced concrete, masonry, steel, and seismically isolated buildings, within the framework of the RINTC project. The model describes the variability of material properties as well as the uncertainty associated with the adopted response models. Specific aspects of each structural typology are also discussed, with a focus on the statistical dependence of the random variables in the model.

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