triple helix

Re-reading sustainability through the triple helix model in the frame of a systems perspective

The concept of sustainability has acquired an ever more central role in governing
processes, both of institutions and business organizations. Adopting a sustainability
perspective, in fact, implies evaluating the different alternatives that arise
from the representation of the specific constraints and rules that have to be
followed in the different contexts that are taken into account: the economic,
social and environmental contexts.
Although since the beginning of the development of the theory of sustainability,

An integrated model of governance for sustainability.

The term “Anthropocene” qualifies a human epoch characterized by the apparent influence of humans on the Earth dynamics dramatically changing the conditions of equilibrium at biophysical and social level. Current governance systems do not seem to fit the needs of the new epoch. Scientists and professionals from all over the world are debating about the appropriate governance in the Anthropocene, adopting different disciplinary perspectives.

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