local development

Energy Transition and Urban Planning for Local Development. A Critical Review of the Evolution of Integrated Spatial and Energy Planning

The aim of the article is to analyse the evolution of spatial and energy planning integration, seen as a mean to foster local development, from the birth of the theme to the current prospects of shared sustainability and Decentralised Energy System (DES) solutions. The paper is a review of the evolution of the spatial and energy planning integration, exploring weaknesses

Future perspectives of sustainable development. An innovative planning approach to inner areas. Experience of an Italian alpine region

“Futures” studies have treated the issue of place-based approach and bioregionalism planning as tool to achieve a sustainable development in areas characterized by exclusive natural peculiarities (Gray, 2007; Tonn, English, Turner, & Hemrick, 2006). After reviewing theories and cases concerning the re-launch of this kind of territories, the study introduces the concept of inner areas (Barca, 2009). Inner areas, described as a specific territorial weak category, are central to the European and Italian debate about territorial inequality and fragmentation.

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