viscosity solutions

On the first eigenvalue of the normalized p-laplacian

We prove that if Ω is an open bounded domain with smooth and connected boundary, for every p ∈(1,+∞) the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of the normalized p-Laplacian is simple in the sense that two positive eigenfunctions are necessarily multiple of each other. We also give a (nonoptimal) lower bound for the eigenvalue in terms of the measure of Ω, and we address the open problem of proving a Faber-Krahn-type inequality with balls as optimal domains.

The Brunn–Minkowski inequality for the principal eigenvalue of fully nonlinear homogeneous elliptic operators

We prove that the principal eigenvalue of any fully nonlinear homogeneous elliptic operator which fulfills a very simple convexity assumption satisfies a Brunn-Minkowski type inequality on the class of open bounded sets in satisfying a uniform exterior sphere condition. In particular the result applies to the (possibly normalized) p-Laplacian, and to the minimal Pucci operator.

A tree structure algorithm for optimal control problems with state constraints

We present a tree structure algorithm for optimal control problems with state constraints. We prove a convergence result for a discrete time approximation of the value function based on a novel formulation in the case of convex constraints. Then the Dynamic Programming approach is developed by a discretization in time leading to a tree structure in space derived by the controlled dynamics, taking into account the state constraints to cut several branches of the tree. Moreover, an additional pruning allows for the reduction of the tree complexity as for the case without state constraints.

Scalar reduction techniques for weakly coupled Hamilton–Jacobi systems

We study a class of weakly coupled systems of Hamilton–Jacobi equations at the critical level. We associate to it a family of scalar discounted equation. Using control-theoretic techniques we construct an algorithm which allows obtaining a critical solution to the system as limit of a monotonic sequence of subsolutions. We moreover get a characterization of isolated points of the Aubry set and establish semiconcavity properties for critical subsolutions.

A differential model for growing sandpiles on networks

We consider a system of differential equations of Monge–Kantorovich type which describes the equilibrium configurations of granular material poured by a constant source on a network. Relying on the definition of viscosity solution for Hamilton–Jacobi equations on networks introduced in [P.-L. Lions and P. E. Souganidis, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl., 27 (2016), pp. 535–545], we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution of the system and we discuss its numerical approximation. Some numerical experiments are carried out.

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