
Generalizability of the Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory Across Cultures and Languages: Italy and the United States

Measuring self-care behaviors is crucial in diabetes research worldwide. Having a common measure of self-care represents an unmet need limiting the development of the science. The Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory was developed to address limitations of previous tools that were not theoretically grounded, strong in psychometrics, and clinically validated. However, the generalizability and comparability of the Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory has not been tested across cultures and languages.

How to improve educational behaviors for caregivers and patients having Central Venous Access Device (CVAD). a scoping review

Objective: Central venous access devices (CVADs) are essential to the modern management of patients with hematological malignancies and solid tumors. Educational programs play a crucial role in promoting appropriate patient actions to support patient safety during hospitalization and homecare. This review aimed to identify literature concerning educational interventions to promote patients’ actions to overcome CVAD-related problems and improve self-monitoring and

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