Respiratory Function Tests

Italian pediatric respiratory society recommendations on pediatric pulmonary function testing during COVID-19 pandemic

Background: Effective prevention and control strategies are mandatory to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Main text: The Italian Pediatric Respiratory Society promotes a series of new recommendations that should be followed in pulmonary function testing laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Pulmonary function testing should be performed in children with chronic lung disease only if it is needed to guide management and limited to the necessary tests, namely spirometry.

Heart failure prognosis over time. how the prognostic role of oxygen consumption and ventilatory efficiency during exercise has changed in the last 20 years

Aims: Exercise-derived parameters, specifically peak exercise oxygen uptake (peak VO 2 ) and minute ventilation/carbon dioxide relationship slope (VE/VCO 2 slope), have a pivotal prognostic value in heart failure (HF). It is unknown how the prognostic threshold of peak VO 2 and VE/VCO 2 slope has changed over the last 20 years in parallel with HF prognosis improvement. Methods and results: Data from 6083 HF patients (81% male, age 61 ± 13 years), enrolled in the MECKI score database between 1993 and 2015, were retrospectively analysed.

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