social capital

Connections: The Use Social Associations With Migratory Background Make of ICT to Build Social Capital for Newcomers’ Social Integration

Psychological studies in the field of migration attest that social integration is enhanced by social capital. Communities of origin and the ones of resettlement play different role in the promotion of newcomers’ social integration. Nevertheless, researches highlighted that connections between migrants and resettlement communities are the hardest to be established. By reinforcing existing ties and generating new connections among communities, ICT represent a resource for the creation of migrants’ social capital.

Having Children in Different Territorial Contexts: The Role of Social Capital

After second demographic transition, substantial regional variation in fertility levels has continued to exist within contemporary European low-fertility societies. A large part of this variability is explainable in terms of individual preferences, socio-economic and cultural conditions and in terms of the direct or indirect policy measures aimed at sustaining the families and their childbearing.

Expanding Social, Psychological, and Physical Indicators of Urbanites' Life Satisfaction toward Residential Community: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

Attention on, and interest in, life satisfaction has increased worldwide. However, research on life satisfaction focused toward the urban dwellers' residential community is mainly from western countries, and the limited research from China is solely focused on the geriatric population via a narrowly constrained research perspective.

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