
Discrete fracture network model of the vapor zone leakages at the Copahue geothermal field

The volcano-hosted geothermal system of Copahue is one of the most promising resources of renewable energy in Argentina. It is driven by a layered reservoir composed of a steam cap above a deep liquid-dominated reservoir. We study the surficial leakages of the shallow steam zone by performing a discrete fracture network model and a 3D forward strain-stress model of the upper caprock unit. The hydrothermal zones linked to steam cap leakages are subordinated to deep-rooted N60-striking faults.

A call to action: Now is the time to screen elderly and treat osteosarcopenia, a position paper of the italian college of academic nutritionists med/49 (ican-49)

Aging is a risk factor for the development of multiple chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia. Life expectancy has increased in certain countries but this phenomenon is associated with a reduction of years of healthy life. Aging is associated with a number of physical and functional changes, especially sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a clinical condition associated with a decrease in skeletal muscle and muscle strength, however, sarcopenia is a reversible condition.

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