ozonated olive oil

Mouthwash based on ozonated olive oil in caries prevention: a preliminary in-vitro study

(1) Background: Ozone (O3) proved to oxidize organic and inorganic compounds, and its efficacy against bacteria, viruses and fungi plasma membranes was of interest. Ozone vehicle can be a gaseous form, ozonated water or ozonized oil. The aim of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the efficacy of ozonated olive oil against Streptococcus mutans. (2) Methods: Two different commercial mouthwashes were tested: Ialozon Blu (IB) (Gemavip, Cagliari, Italy), with ozonated olive oil, and Ialozon Rose (IR) (Gemavip, Cagliari, Italy), with ozonated olive oil, hyaluronic acid and vitamin E.

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