salutogenic design

Towards a landscape approach to digital technologies

Landscape architecture has experienced a paradigm shift in the last two decades, requiring designers to respond with evidence-based design to the dynamic and temporal quality erosion of the urban ecosystem. The Green Infrastructure approach promotes the elements of biodiversity and organized systems that are part of natural capital in any urban area, be it valuable or derelict, including individual technological devices that leverage biodiversity and are integrated in the architecture.

Mainstreaming Salutogenic Urban Design for People and the Environment

Urban ecosystems are characterized by rich spatial and temporal heterogeneity: a complex mosaic of biological and physical patches in a matrix of infrastructure, human organizations, and social institutions. Worldwide urban ecosystems are under pressure from competing resource demands, protracted inconsistent land uses and climate change. The need to assess vulnerability and adapt to critical environmental phenomena calls for new ways to understand,

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma