piezoelectric materials

On the validity of plane state assumptions in the bending of bimorph piezoelectric cantilevers

We assess the accuracy of plane state assumptions in modeling the bending of bimorph piezoelectric cantilevers. Reference solutions are obtained by means of fully three-dimensional simulations. We solve a model, compliant with the standard theoretical background, able to deal with large deflections, and aimed at estimating the electrical energy har- vesting potential. We show that the two assumptions of plane stress and plane strain yield very different results in terms of strain and therefore lead to substantially different estimates of electrical power.

Sustainability of Advanced Materials in Construction

The article provides a thorough review on advanced materials for architecture focusing on nanomaterials and on the new class of highly innovative materials, so called smart materials, illustrating their properties and their application in the building sector. The article illustrates how, thanks to the huge progress in the field of materials science, the advanced solutions available today can allow to reconcile the architectural features of the buildings with the new challenges of sustainability and energy efficiency.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma