cardiac conduction and/ or rhythm abnormalities

A 34-year longitudinal study on long-term cardiac outcomes in DM1 patients with normal ECG at baseline at an Italian clinical centre

Cardiac conduction and/or rhythm abnormalities (CCRA) are the most frequent and life-threatening complications in DM1. In order to determine prevalence, incidence, characteristics, age of onset and predictors of CCRA, CCRA progression and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in DM1, we collected ECG/24hECG-Holter data from a yearly updated 34-year database of a cohort of 103 DM1 patients without cardiac abnormalities at baseline, followed for at least 1 year. Fifty-five patients developed CCRA [39 developed conduction abnormalities (CCA) and 16 rhythm abnormalities (CRA)], which progressed in 22.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma