
History for urban regeneration: a new perspective. The PRG (Masterplan) ‘08 of the Municipality of Rome

The reflection focuses on the role of historical-cultural permanences within the processes of urban regeneration, starting from the experience of the PRG ‘08 of the Municipality of Rome, which, in particular, introduces a new perspective assuming, among its priority options, the role of history for high-quality transformation and recalling, on one hand, the need for an interpretative description of the historical and cultural structure of the territory in all its expressions and specificities and, on the other, the need to reaffirm the centrality of the design dimension for the protection a

History for urban regeneration: a new perspective. The PRG ‘08 of the Municipality of Rome

The metropolisation processes that, in recent decades, have determined deep territorial transformation, together with the identity features and the intrinsic characteristics of fragility of the contemporary city, recall the need for a unitary, integrated and interscalar public government strategy aimed at urban regeneration.

Topology of functional connectivity and hub dynamics in the beta band as temporal prior for natural vision in the human brain

Networks hubs represent points of convergence for the integration of information across many different nodes and systems. Although a great deal is known on the topology of hub regions in the human brain, little is known about their temporal dynamics. Here, we examine the static and dynamic centrality of hub regions when measured in the absence of a task (rest) or during the observation of natural or synthetic visual stimuli.

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