
Migraine and sleep disorders: a systematic review

Migraine and sleep disorders are common and often burdensome chronic conditions with a high prevalence in the general population, and with considerable socio-economic impact and costs. The existence of a relationship between migraine and sleep disorders has been recognized from centuries by clinicians and epidemiological studies. Nevertheless, the exact nature of this association, the underlying mechanisms and interactions are complex and not completely understood.

Leg Movement activity during sleep in school-age children and adolescents: a detailed study in normal controls and subjects with restless legs syndrome and narcolepsy type 1

To evaluate leg movement activity during sleep (LMS) in normal school-age children and adolescents, to eventually establish age-specific periodic LMS (PLMS) index thresholds that support the diagnosis of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and to evaluate the utility of other LMS indices.

Sleep paralysis in two children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

We describe for the first time the presence of SP in two children with ADHD that was associated with the presence of a sinister shadowy "bedroom intruder" that sometimes attacked the sleeper. The "creature" was lurking in the distant dark, slowly approaching and appearing as a dark shadow, similar to the human size and shape. 4

Cortical activation during sleep predicts dream experience in narcolepsy

Objective Narcolepsy type 1 widely affects the architecture of sleep with frequent fast transition to REM sleep at both nighttime and daytime sleep onset. The occurrence of repeated sleep onset REM periods over the Multiple Sleep Latency Test offers a unique opportunity to identify EEG patterns predictive of successful dream recall after short periods composed of only REM or NREM sleep. It also permits to disentangle state- from trait-like differences in dream recall, by using a within-subjects design.

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