classroom size

The effects of classroom composition and size on bullying and victimization of italian and immigrant high school students

Bullying is one of the most serious problems faced by young people at school. Due to its well-documented negative impact on their well-being and learning, its monitoring and prevention is now a highly relevant issue. The present study uses multilevel modelling to investigate the effects of the class characteristics (the number of students, the proportion of male students and immigrant students, the overall socio-economic level and the initial achievement level) on bullying and/or victimization, also controlling for high school typology.

Students’ psychological well-being and its multilevel relationship with immigrant background, gender, socioeconomic status, achievement, and class size

School situations trigger affective states that influence students’ achievement and well-being. In the present study, we investigated, on the basis of a sample of 26,470 high-school students and 1,472 classrooms, the relationship of individual characteristics (immigrant background, gender, socioeconomic status, and achievement) as well as classroom characteristics (group composition and size) with students’ feelings at school.

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