
Feasibility and efficiency of sutureless end enterostomy by means of a 3D-printed device in a porcine model

Objective. The aim of this study is to present a 3-dimensional (3D)-printed device to simply perform abdominal enterostomy and colostomy. Summary Background Data. Enterostomy and colostomy are frequently performed during abdominal surgery. 3D-printed devices may permit the creation of enterostomy easily. Methods. The device was designed by means of a CAD (computer-aided design) software, Rhinoceros 6 by MC Neel, and manufactured using 3D printers, Factory 2.0 by Omni 3D and Raise 3D N2 Dual Plus by Raise 3D.

iPS, organoids and 3D models as advanced tools for in vitro toxicology

Recent progress in the field of in vitro toxicology has led to the development of increasingly complex models that are closer to the complexity of organs and tissues, both in terms of structure and functionality, and are characterized by more precise, specif- ic and early endpoints (Ranga et al., 2014; Xinaris et al., 2015; Clevers, 2016; Jackson and Lu, 2016; Bartfeld and Clevers, 2017; Pamies et al., 2018; Truskey, 2018). The transition from traditional 2D models to three-dimensional (3D) systems cer- tainly represents the most important innovation of the last de- cades.

Construction of 3D in vitro models by bioprinting human pluripotent stem cells: Challenges and opportunities

Three-dimensional (3D) printing of biological material, or 3D bioprinting, is a rapidly expanding field with interesting applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Bioprinters use cells and biocompatible materials as an ink (bioink) to build 3D structures representative of organs and tissues, in a controlled manner and with micrometric resolution. Human embryonic (hESCs) and induced (hiPSCs) pluripotent stem cells are ideally able to provide all cell types found in the human body.

Modellizzazioni GIS tridimensionali e integrazione di fonti per la gestione dei rischi geodinamici

Il presente lavoro – caratterizzato dall’uso integrato di ArcGIS Desktop e relative
estensioni (ArcGIS 3D Analyst e ArcGIS Spatial Analyst) e ArcGIS Pro – focalizza
l’attenzione sull’utilizzo dei modelli tridimensionali in ambiente GIS per l’analisi dei
territori soggetti a eventi di geodinamica endogena.
Mediante integrazione di fonti multiple cartografiche e satellitari, grazie all’uso
combinato di dati raster e vettoriali e tramite apposite funzionalità e tecniche di

Applicazioni GIS. Principi metodologici e linee di ricerca. Esercitazioni ed esemplificazioni guida

.Grazie all’accortezza con cui sono affrontati i diversi argomenti e alla ponderata sequenza con cui gli stessi sono presentati, il volume rappresenta un riferimento ideale sia per chi muove i primi passi verso l’uso di tali strumenti, fondamentali nella formazione del geografo moderno, sia per chi intende approfondire le proprie conoscenze e competenze, acquisendo abilità operative da sviluppare in ipotesi progettuali.

3D Laparoscopy. A potential cutting edge in minimal invasive digestive surgery

Laparoscopic surgery has changed surgical landscape, providing reduced surgical trauma, shorter hospital stays, less postoperative pain and
better outcomes than open surgery. Since its first development in the 90’s, 3D technology applied to laparoscopic surgery has had several technical
improvements and now it represents, together with high definition technology, the best option in minimal invasive digestive surgery, providing shorter

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