3D documentation

A workflow for fast 3D documentation. An experience on medieval architectural fragments

Currently, the knowledge of archaeological and cultural heritage artefacts is asking for the use of 3D models. Innovative tools constantly developed make it possible for the scholars to adopt an integrative approach accessible by everyone involved in the whole process of archaeological and cultural heritage surveying and representation. The topic here discussed aims to investigate a workflow that allows a non-expert user to produce and manage a Structure from Motion 3D model, considering all the parameters that concern the reliability of the model and its scale.

3D survey in extreme environment. The case study of Laetoli hominin footprints in Tanzania

Many cultural assets are in risky situations and they are destined to disappear. Sometimes problems are caused by the anthropic component (e.g. wars) or by natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes and landslides). At other times the cause of deterioration is due to the slow and inexorable action of atmospheric agents and other natural factors present in extreme areas, where preservation of Cultural Heritage is more complex.

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