3D modelling

The Wooden Models of the Vatican Basilica by Antonio da Sangallo and Michelangelo. Survey, Modelling and Interpretation

The role that models have played in the development of Renaissance architectural thought is well known but the massive usage of digital modelling and visualization tools often prevents us from fully appreciating their original role in the conception and communication of architecture. Nowadays infact, bits and pixels have almost completely replaced wood, chalk or plaster. However, either tangible (material) and intangible (digital) models still unquestionably represent an extremely effective design tool.

La costruzione scientifica della memoria: il caso della nuova antica città di Ninfa | The Scientific Construction of Memory: the Case of the New Ancient City of Ninfa

Il primo quarto di secolo di rivoluzione digitale ci ha ormai consegnato un ampio ventaglio di strumenti
hardware e software che consentono ormai una significativa interazione tra il mondo reale e
quello virtuale che sempre più pervasivamente innerva la nostra esperienza quotidiana.
Cuore di questa interazione è come noto il ‘modello’, ovvero quel simulacro virtuale di un elemento
reale che in qualche modo rappresenta sia il fine che il mezzo di questa interazione. Se per molto

Procedural modelling as a tool for morphological analysis of the design idea

In recent years, generative modeling has assumed a very important role in the training of the designer. The generative approach, in fact, educates to a conscious and rigorous representation of the form through a logical process that describes its geometric genesis by making explicit the dimensional and proportional rela-tionships between the parts that compose it, information that can always be ac-cessed to verify the quality of the project reading and with which it is possible to interact.

Predicted and observed settlements induced by the mechanized tunnel excavation of metro line C near S. Giovanni station in Rome

This paper deals with the effects induced by the mechanized excavation of Rome metro line C in the area of an old masonry building, the Carducci school. Class A settlements predictions are obtained performing full 3D soil-tunnel-structure interaction numerical analyses, using a simple elastic perfectly plastic soil constitutive model.

Integration of close-range underwater photogrammetry with inspection and mesh processing software: a novel approach for quantifying ecological dynamics of temperate biogenic reefs

Characterizing and monitoring changes in biogenic 3-dimensional (3D) structures at multiple scales over time is challenging within the practical constraints of conventional ecological tools. Therefore, we developed a structure-from-motion (SfM)-based photogrammetry method, coupled with inspection and mesh processing software, to estimate important ecological parameters of underwater worm colonies (hummocks) constructed by the sabellariid polychaete Sabellaria alveolata, using non-destructive, 3D modeling and mesh analysis.

3d modelling of archaeological small finds by a low-cost range camera. Methodology and first results

The production of reliable documentation of small finds is a crucial process during archaeological excavations. Range cameras can be a valid alternative to traditional illustration methods: they are veritable 3D scanners able to easily collect the 3D geometry (shape and dimensions in metric units) of an object/scene practically in real-time.

Fisheye Photogrammetry to Survey Narrow Spaces in Architecture and a Hypogea Environment

Nowadays, the increasing computation power of commercial grade processors has actively led to a vast spreading of image-based reconstruction software as well as its application in different disciplines. As a result, new frontiers regarding the use of photogrammetry in a vast range of investigation activities are being explored. This paper investigates the implementation of
fisheye lenses in non-classical survey activities along with the related problematics. Fisheye lenses are outstanding because of their large field of view.

A flexible and swift approach for 3D image–based survey in a cave

In the geomatics field, modelling and georeferencing complex speleological structures are some of the most challenging issues. The use of conventional survey methods (for example, those employing total stations or terrestrial laser scanner) becomes more difficult, especially because of the space constraints and the often critical light conditions. In this work, a flexible and swift methodology to survey an in-progress excavation is presented, through image-based modelling techniques.

3D modelling of archaeological small finds by the structure sensor range camera: comparison of different scanning applications

Today, range cameras represent a cheap, intuitive and effective technology for collecting the 3D geometry of objects and environments automatically and practically in real time. Such features can make these sensors a valuable tool for documenting archaeological small finds, especially when not expert users are involved.

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