
Contribution to the floristic knowledge of Velino and Aterno valleys (Lazio-Abruzzo, central Italy)

The inventory of the taxa collected during the annual field trip of the working group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolution of the Italian Botanical Society is reported. The field trip was held in 2016 along the Velino and Aterno valleys located between Lazio and Abruzzo administrative regions (central Italy). The flora documented for the studied area amounts to 629 specific and subspecific taxa (including two hybrids) belonging to 300 genera and 69 families. Thirty-eight taxa are endemic to Italy, and only 16 alien taxa were detected.

I tratti di un’Italia che cambia

Il contributo ricostruisce le linee essenziali dei fenomeni storici italiani tra il 1870 ed il 1915 soffermandosi poi sulla concreta esperienza di una comunità metodista italiana in Abruzzo dalla sua formazione, attraverso gli sviluppi e fino al declino. In tal modo è stato possibile verificare le modalità di declinazione nella realtà locale di alcuni aspetti rilevanti della esperienza del metodismo italiano.

The tower, the sewer and the shafts. Dog and human sepultures at Peltuinum (L’Aquila, Italy)

The Roman town of Peltuinum (L'Aquila, central Appennines, Italy) was founded to manage transhumance revenues and was abandoned at the end of the 5th c. when struck by a very hard earthquakes. Within the city structures few interesting findings are related to human and fauna bones; most of the last one pertain to dogs. The archaeological situation shows that the association refer to funerary contexts, even though providing different scenarios and chronology.

Nuove indagini sulle fortificazioni di Peltuinum

The plateau on which the Roman city of Peltuinum (L’Aquila, central Italy) was founded displays different grading slopes almost all around the perimeter. Survey on the plain and the targeted excavations have confirmed the fact that the city walls were bound to the shape of the upper terrace of the plateau. Starting from the most conserved evidences along the western slope, the investigations carried out in the last years have allowed identifying a tower with a square plan.

Sepolti nel teatro: il valore simbolico dei cani in sepolture comuni infantili

Vengono presentati i risultati di un caso insolito di sepoltura di uomini e cani dalla città romana di Peltuinum (Abruzzo, Italia). Lo scavo dei pozzetti del teatro antico, caduto in disuso dopo un forte terremoto del tardo V sec. d.C.., ha portato alla luce ossa attribuite a feti e neonati, associate a centinaia di resti faunistici, principalmente cani di diverse età (adulti, cuccioli e feti), ma anche puledri. I dati della ricerca suggeriscono che gli animali sono stati sacrificati per scopi rituali legati alla morte dei bambini.

The Intersection of Anglo-French Culture and Angevin Illumination in a Fourteenth-Century Ars Nova Miscellany. A New Dating for Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. Lat. 307 and Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, Archiv des Benediktinerstiftes, Ms. 135/6

Il contributo presenta un codice contenente trattati di teoria musicale finora sconosciuto agli studi storico-artistici, proponendo una nuova datazione, rispetto a quella tradizionale in ambito musiologico, e una nuova datazione.

Automatic shoreline detection from eight-band VHR satellite imagery

Coastal erosion, which is naturally present in many areas of the world, can be significantly increased by factors such as the reduced transport of sediments as a result of hydraulic works carried out to minimize flooding. Erosion has a significant impact on both marine ecosystems and human activities; for this reason, several international projects have been developed to study monitoring techniques and propose operational methodologies.

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