academic adjustment

Autonomy Supportive Contexts, Autonomous Motivation, and Self-Efficacy Predict Academic Adjustment of First-Year University Students

Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the process that lead to academic adjustment of undergraduate students in the first year of higher education, by testing a predictive model based on self-determination theory with the inclusion of self-efficacy. The model posits that perceived autonomous forms of support from parents and teachers foster autonomous motivation and self-efficacy, which in turn predict academic adjustment. Method: A two-wave prospective design was adopted.

The study of the academic adjustment and social inclusion of immigrant students in Italy: Methodological challenges and empirical evidence

Il presente contributo esamina vari aspetti psicologici relativi all’adattamento scolastico e all’inclusione sociale dei giovani con un background migratorio a scuola e affronta alcune questioni metodologiche, discutendo parallelamente delle evidenze empiriche ottenute su campioni rappresentativi di studenti delle scuole italiane. Inizialmente viene trattato il problema dell’analisi di dati raggruppati, il quale sottende le ricerche psicologiche su base campionaria effettuate nel contesto scolastico.

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