Academic Scepticism

I "Kanonika" di Antioco di Ascalona e Asclepiade di Bitinia (Sext. Emp. M. 7, 200-202)

This article mainly focuses on Sextus Empiricus’ only evidence (M. 7,201 =
Antioc. Ascal. 66 Luck = F2 Mette = F2 Sedley) for Antiochus’ of Ascalon Kanonika.
David Sedley maintains that Antiochus wrote his Kanonika before the ‘publication’
in 87 BC of the so-called Roman Books by his master Philo of Larissa.
Accordingly, the Kanonika do not include any criticism against the Sceptics of the
Academy. The close examination of Sextus’ testimony shows that in all likelihood

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