
Biomechanical characterization of the junzuki karate punch: indexes of performance

The aims of this study were: (i) to determine kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic characteristics of Junzuki karate punch in professional karate athletes; (ii) to identify biomechanical parameters that correlate with punch force and lead to a higher punching performance; (iii) to verify the presence of muscle co-activation in the upper limb, trunk, and lower limb muscles. Data were collected from nine experienced karatekas from the Accademia Italiana Karate e Arti Marziali during the execution of the specific punch.

Electromagnetic and beam dynamics studies for high gradient accelerators at terahertz frequencies

THz radiation is one of the most appealing portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of multi-disciplinary use in basic science and technology. Beyond the numerous applications, a great interest is its potential for future, compact linear accelerators. Conventional radio-frequency accelerating structures operating at the S and C band can reach gradients up to 30 - 50MV/m, respectively; higher accelerating gradients, of the order of 100MV/m, have been obtained with X-band cavities.

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