
Le tradizioni della traduzione: Shakespeare e il caso Dom Casmurro

Sonia Netto Salomão’s study examines the mechanism by which models - that belong to very specific cultural traditions - are transplanted and acculturated in post-colonial 19th-century Brazil. It focuses on Machado de Assis, an author who exemplified confrontation with the western canon, both ancient and modern, to illustrate how translations do not simply “transport” meaning. Salomão thus shows how a Shakespearean simile becomes a metaphor in Dom Casmurro, through a French eighteenth version.

Within- and between-person and group variance in behavior and beliefs in cross-cultural longitudinal data

This study grapples with what it means to be part of a cultural group, from a statistical modeling perspective. The method we present compares within- and between-cultural group variability, in behaviors in families. We demonstrate the method using a cross-cultural study of adolescent development and parenting, involving three biennial waves of longitudinal data from 1296 eight-year-olds and their parents (multiple cultures in nine countries).

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