acellular dermal matrix

Clinical and volumetric analysis of peri-implant soft tissue augmentation using an acellular dermal matrix: a prospective cohort study

Background: The role of keratinized mucosa in promoting peri-implant health is controversial, however recent evidence support the use of soft tissue augmentation procedures around dental implants. Soft tissue substitutes have been proposed to replace autogenous connective tissue grafts, therefore the aims of this study are to report clinical and volumetric three-dimensional changes in mucosal thickness (MT) 1 year after treatment with an acellular dermal matrix (ADM). Methods: Soft tissue augmentation was performed at second-stage surgery in the premolar maxillary area with an ADM.

Early implant placement and peri-implant augmentation with a porcine-derived acellular dermal matrix and synthetic bone in the aesthetic area: a 2-year follow-up prospective cohort study

The aim of this study was to evaluate the 2-year follow-up results of early implant placement with simultaneous peri-implant augmentation using an acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and a synthetic bone substitute in the aesthetic zone. Twenty subjects were enrolled in this study, they were either males (eight) or females (12), with a mean age of 47.8 ± 4.45 years and each patient was treated with one implant. Simultaneous contour augmentation with guided bone regeneration was performed using synthetic bone particles (maxresorb®) and an ADM (mucoderm®).

The largest multicentre data collection on prepectoral breast reconstruction: The iBAG study

Background and Objectives: In the last years, prepectoral breast reconstruction has increased its popularity, becoming a standard reconstructive technique by preserving pectoralis major anatomy and functionality. Nevertheless, the lack of solid and extensive data negatively impacts on surgeons’ correct information about postoperative complication rates and proper patient selection. This study aims to collect the largest evidence on this procedure.

Clinical, histological, and ultrasound follow-up of breast reconstruction with one-stage muscle-sparing “wrap” technique: a single-center experience

Prepectoral implant placement and complete coverage with porcine acellular matrix after mastectomy is a new concept in breast surgery presented in few cases in the literature. This paper aimed to present our single-center experience in one-stage breast reconstruction muscle-sparing "wrap" technique by evaluating clinical and aesthetic outcomes, ultrasound and histological examination, and patient quality of life.

One-stage muscle-sparing breast reconstruction in elderly patients: a new tool for retaining excellent quality of life

More than 50% of breast cancer care occurs in elderly but women aged 65 and over generally have lower breast reconstruction (BR) rates. In medical literature, few papers focused on BR in elderly patients and usually the reported techniques are multisteps such as expander-implant reconstruction, local, and free flaps. We present a one-stage reconstruction technique employed in elderly patients: muscle-sparing immediate BR with subcutaneous implant and Braxon acellular dermal matrix.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma