
Adrenal and pituitary disorders

Adrenal and pituitary disorders

All glands are created equal, but some glands are more equal than the others. Understanding the complications and the development of new treatments for pituitary and adrenal disorders has exploded in the past decades. We have contributed to investigating and systematically analyzing the available evidence. Our favorite condition is the most difficult of them all, Cushing's syndrome. Nonetheless, the international community has also appreciated our research on obesity, the metabolic effect of GH, and the treatments used to manage its excess.

Acromegaly and modifications of the craniofacial complex: oral implications

Acromegaly is a rare acquired endocrine disorder linked to hypersecretion of the growth hormone, which induces a progressive somatic disfigurement on the face and on the limbs. Changes in the craniomaxillofacial complex are one of the main indicators of the disease and are therefore a key feature for an early diagnosis. This article, after a short introduction on the ossification processes involved, describes the main modifications of the craniofacial complex induced by acromegaly on both hard and soft tissues.

Somatostatin analogs and glucose metabolism in acromegaly: a meta-analysis of prospective interventional studies

Somatostatin analogs (SSAs) effectivelycontrol growth hormone secretion in first and second line treatmentof acromegaly. Their effect onglucose metabolism is still debated.
to address the following questions: 1) Do SSAs affect fasting plasma glucose (FPG), fasting plasma insulin (FPI), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), glucose load (2h-OGTT), HOMA-I, HOMA-?, triglycerides (TGD), weight (W) or body mass index (BMI)? 2) Do lanreotide (LAN) and octreotide LAR (OCT) affect metabolism differently? 3)Does their effect depend on disease control?

Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Acromegalic Patients: Possible Role in the Assessment of Glycemia Control

Acromegaly is characterized by an insulin resistance condition. There is a significant difference between the different types of therapy in relation to the glycometabolic framework. The blinded continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS), throughout a period of maximum 6?days for a total of 288 glycemic registrations per day, identifies glycemic excursions and could constitute a valid device to understand the 24-hour glycemic profiles.

Acromegaly as an expression of a rare disease: description of an unusual clinical case of Carney Complex

Introduction: The Carney complex (CC) is an autosomal dominant syndrome, characterized by multiple endocrine neoplasms, pigmented skin lesions, endocrine hyper-activity and myxomas. Case study: C. E., 71 years old, was addressed to our center in August 1994, following the finding of a sellar enlargement in a skull radiography performed after an accident. A pituitary tomography showed the presence of a lesion extended up to the optic chiasm, a macroadenoma that was treated with transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery. A histological diagnosis of a “GH secreting macroadenoma” was performed.

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