
An integrated model of fight against adolescent substance abuse

The abuse of tobacco, drugs and alcohol among adolescents shows a growing trend that Countries all over the world have to face every day.
In the last twenty years, Iceland has studied the phenomenon in detail and has discovered crucial interventions that seem to have a significant impact on substance abuse among young people, hence was made the Youth in Iceland project, defining a new synergic approach based on collaboration between parents, schools staff, community members and adolescents.

Global burden of headache disorders in children and adolescents 2007–2017

Headache disorders are prevalent and disabling conditions impacting on people of all ages, including children and adolescents with substantial impact on their school activities and leisure time. Our study aims to report specific information on headaches in children and adolescents based on the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, that provides estimates for incidence, prevalence, fatal and non-fatal outcomes. We relied on 2007 and 2017 GBD estimates for prevalence and Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) at the global level and in WHO regions.

Which are the communication styles of anti-tobacco spots that most impress adolescents?

Objectives To evaluate emotions and opinions of Italian adolescents aged 13-18 years old about different anti-tobacco spots delivered by the mass media campaigns over the world. Methods A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted. Italian students from different regions were enrolled. A video that collected 7 anti-tobacco spots from all over the world. The spots describe the tobacco dependence, the health damages and the tobacco components using different communication styles (funny, scientific, dramatic, comedians, shocking, and sad).

Adolescent internet abuse. A study on the role of attachment to parents and peers in a large community sample

Adolescents are the main users of new technologies and theirmain purpose of use is social interaction. Although new technologies are useful to teenagers, in addressing their developmental tasks, recent studies have shown that they may be an obstacle in their growth. Research shows that teenagers with Internet addiction experience lower quality in their relationships with parents and more individual difficulties.

Finalmente il coparenting: l’importanza della cogenitorialità per il benessere dei figli. Una ricerca su adolescenti con disturbi alimentari

Il lavoro esamina il concetto di cogenitorialità introdotto empiricamente da McHale, ma già precedentemente individuato dai Pionieri della Terapia Familiare. La recente letteratura internazionale nel campo delle relazioni familiari ha visto un crescente interesse per il costrutto di cogenitorialità, mentre gli studi empirici sul contributo cogenitoriale sono scarsi. A tal proposito gli autori di questo articolo forniscono un’esemplificazione empirica attraverso una ricerca su famiglie di adolescenti con disturbo alimentare.

Headache and alexithymia in children and adolescents: what Is the connection?

Background: Headache is one of the most common complaints in children and adolescents and comorbidity rates are very high and the major associated diseases are depression, anxiety, atopic disorders, sleep, and behavioral disorders. In recent years, it has been highlighted that difficulties regulating emotions such as alexithymia have also been associated with diagnosis of somatization.

Behavioral therapies in headache: focus on mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy in children and adolescents

Introduction: A wide proportion of children and adolescents with headache tends not to respond to various pharmacological treatments in use. The failure to respond to symptomatic treatment and prophylaxis is often due to the presence of a comorbid psychopathology undiagnosed or not properly treated. For these reasons and for the negative impact of headache on the quality of life of the patients and on the costs for the public health system, the adoption of an integrated multi-disciplinary perspective in the diagnosis and treatment of headache is needed.

Metacognition and theory of mind in children with migraine and children with internalizing disorders

Mentalization, theory of mind (ToM) and metacognition are abilities that explain or predict behavior based on beliefs, intentions, or feelings attributed to the self or others, mental states and thoughts. Some studies have showed an impairment of these abilities in children and adolescents with several disorders, such as anxiety,

Emotion regulation and alcohol abuse in second-generation immigrant adolescents: The protective role of cognitive reappraisal

The individual predictors of drinking behaviors among second-generation immigrant adolescents are still understudied. This study investigated emotion regulation strategies and alcohol abuse in 472 adolescents (86 second-generation immigrants and 386 Italian natives; age range: 17–18). The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test were used to assess cognitive reappraisal, emotional suppression, and alcohol abuse, respectively. Immigrants reported lower alcohol abuse than natives.

Effects of Natural, Urban and Historical-Urban Environments on Children affected by ADHD in Italy

Attention is essential to development and is important for executive functioning. Unfortunately, a growing number of school children suffer of chronic attention deficit such as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is important to consider that many of these very young patients are pharmacologically treated and need to deal with side effects that may occur.

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