
Endometriosi e sessualità: aspetti psicologici ed emotivi associati alla sessualità

Riassunto: L’endometriosi è una patologia ginecologica cronica spesso associata ad una forte compromissione della vita sessuale, prevalentemente caratterizzata dall’esperienza di dolore genito-pelvico durante i rapporti. L’obiettivo del presente studio è di esplorare l’area psico-affettiva e sessuale in un gruppo di donne con endometriosi confrontandole con un gruppo di donne sane. L’ipotesi è che le prime riportino punteggi peggiori in tutte le aree prese in esame (funzione sessuale, alessitimia, emozioni esperite nella sessualità e sintomatologia psicologica).

Yoga and mindfulness as a tool for influencing affectivity, anxiety, mental health, and stress among healthcare workers. Results of a single-arm clinical trial

Mindfulness-based interventions have emerged as unique approaches for addressing a range of clinical and subclinical difficulties such as stress, chronic pain, anxiety, or recurrent depression. Moreover, there is strong evidence about the positive effects of yoga practice on stress management and prevention of burnout among healthcare workers. The aim of this study was to conduct a single-arm clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of an intervention based on mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga in improving healthcare workers' quality of life.

Better Safe Than Sorry: A Common Signature of General Vulnerability for Psychopathology

Several labels, such as neuroticism, negative emotionality, and dispositional negativity, indicate a broad dimension of psychopathology. However, largely separate, often disorder-specific research lines have developed that focus on different cognitive and affective characteristics that are associated with this dimension, such as perseverative cognition (worry, rumination), reduced autobiographical memory specificity, compromised fear learning, and enhanced somatic-symptom reporting.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma