
Age related metabolic modifications in the migraine brain

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility that migraine patients exhibit specific age-related metabolic changes in the brain, which occur regardless of disease duration or the frequency of attacks. Methods: We analysed the relation between brain glucose (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose) uptake and age in healthy volunteers (n = 20) and episodic migraine patients (n = 19). In the latter, we additionally compared the correlation between 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake and disease duration and monthly migraine days.

Changing the approach to anticoagulant therapy in older patients with multimorbidity using a precision medicine approach

The ageing of the world population has resulted in an increase in the number of older patients with multimorbid conditions receiving multiple therapies. This emerging clinical scenario poses new challenges, which are mostly related to the increased incidence of adverse effects. This translates into poor clinical care, reduced cost-effectiveness of drug therapies, and social isolation of multimorbid patients due to reduced autonomy.

Age-related changes in human Leydig cell status

STUDY QUESTION: What are the consequences of ageing on human Leydig cell number and hormonal function? SUMMARY ANSWER: Leydig cell number significantly decreases in parallel with INSL3 expression and Sertoli cell number in aged men, yet the in vitro Leydig cell androgenic potential does not appear to be compromised by advancing age. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: There is extensive evidence that ageing is accompanied by decline in serum testosterone levels, a general involution of testis morphology and reduced spermatogenic function.

Natural products improve healthspan in aged mice and rats: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Over the last decades a decrease in mortality has paved the way for late onset pathologies such as cardiovascular, metabolic or neurodegenerative diseases. This evidence has led many researchers to shift their focus from researching ways to extend lifespan to finding ways to increase the number of years spent in good health; “healthspan” is indeed the emerging concept of such quest for ageing without chronic or disabling diseases and dysfunctions. Regular consumption of natural products might improve healthspan, although the mechanisms of action are still poorly understood.

The protective role of family ties on elderly mortality: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of institutionalized population

Most of the literature linking the living conditions of the elderly with their health outcomes refers to the population living in private dwellings, while studies dealing with the topic from a broader perspective, including the population living in institutions, are sparse. This can be ascribed to the fact that nation-wide surveys on health do not generally include the population living in institutions, and to a strong selection of the institutionalised population, which calls for specific techniques to deal with the induced bias in estimators.

Introduction: Population ageing: convergences and uncertainties in the Mediterranean

The steady increase in the number of elderly people in the population, induced by factors that embody human progress (reduced mortality, tendential improvement in living standards and lifestyles, etc.) has become over the years an important issue in the organisation of contemporary societies, as regards retirement or health, for example. With different intensities and with different historical calendars, all societies are concerned by this.

Machine-learning analysis of voice samples recorded through smartphones: the combined effect of ageing and gender

Background: Experimental studies using qualitative or quantitative analysis have demonstrated that the human voice progressively worsens with ageing. These studies, however, have mostly focused on specific voice features without examining their dynamic interaction. To examine the complexity of age-related changes in voice, more advanced techniques based on machine learning have been recently applied to voice recordings but only in a laboratory setting. We here recorded voice samples in a large sample of healthy subjects.

Effect of ageing on verbal and visuo-spatial working memory: Evidence from 880 individuals

It is well-known that ageing is associated with a decrease in working memory abilities. It is not so clear at what age the decline begins and if there are differences in the decline of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory. This study investigates the effect of ageing on verbal and visuo-spatial working memory by comparing the performance of 880 subjects aged between 15- and 80-year old who were subdivided into five groups. The results show that age is negatively correlated with performance on both verbal and visuo-spatial working memory tasks.

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