A multicountry comparative survey about organizational resilience in anaesthesia

Rationale, aims, and objectives: The application of resilience in health care requires the shift from a cause-effect approach to a systemic approach, yet few tools have been developed to measure resilience potential in this specific context. This study tests a resilience assessment grid (RAG) questionnaire to measure the resilience of anaesthesiologists, with a cross-country survey. Method: A study was conducted with an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) questionnaire containing 57 detailed questions; 16 nations and 172 respondents were involved in the study.

Multi-Criteria Analysis in Compound Decision Processes. The AHP and the Architectural Competition for the Chamber of Deputies in Rome (Italy)

In 1967, a national architectural competition was released for a preliminary project proposal, aimed at the realization of the new building for the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. The outcomes of that competition were unusual: eighteen projects were declared joint winners, and no winner was consequently selected. With reference to that event, this research aims to examine the usefulness of the evaluation tools that are currently employed and the positive effects that one of these techniques would have had, as support for the identification of the “winner” project, are highlighted.

A multi-criteria decision analysis for the assessment of the real estate credit risks

Following the approval of the Basel capital adequacy framework, the credit institutions had to adapt their skills to determine regulatory capital. In this regard, the methodologies defined by the Third Basel Accord [2] have some limits concerning the subjectivity of some aspects and the complexity of the valuation models, especially for the smaller credit institutions that lack suitable corporate structures capable of efficiently applying the established procedures.

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