
Research, Design, Teaching. Three Synergic Areas in Albania’s Finest School of Architecture

La paper segue i contenuti e l'organizzazione delle relazioni Tra Sapienza e la Polis University di Tirana. Le relazioni sono iniziate nel novembre del 2010 e da allora si sono molto sviluppate innanzitutto con la formazione presso il nostro ateneo di Dottori di ricerca e con la scelta di diversi dottori di ricerca formatisi in Sapienza quali docenti a Tirana. I due autori sono testimoni diretti di queste intense relazioni.

Vegetation database of Albania

Although Albania’s territory is small, its natural heritage is characterized by a high diversity of ecosystems and
habitats and a considerable species richness. This diversity is attributable to the country’s geographic position
(at the interface of three important regions: the Balkans, the Mediterranean region and southern continental
Europe), as well as geological, hydrological, climatic, soil diversity, and a large altitudinal range. The study of
the vegetation of Albania begun, apart from a few pioneer works, in the late 1980s. However, only recently

Il ponte Ionio-Adriatico. Un confine liquido. L’altra sponda negli autori del dispatrio

e study analyses on the narrative works of the Italian, Greek and Albanian authors of the expatriation, which focus on the relationship between Puglia and the other side of the Adriatic (Albania and Ionian Islands). A er a brief historical survey - which aims to reconstruct the events on which the novels unfold - it is underlined how the proximity between the two coasts has undergone, over the centuries, contractions and expansions turned into identity, communion, wall, frontier, otherness.

Viaggiatori inglesi e italiani in Albania tra Ottocento e Novecento

Il contributo si concentra su una serie di viaggiatori inglesi e italiani che visitarono l'Albania tra l'inizio del diciannovesimo secolo e l'inizio del ventesimo secolo. L'obiettivo del contributo è da un lato ricostruire il diverso approccio dei viaggiatori inglesi e italiani e dall'altro verificare la differente visione politica, culturale e antropologica del paese balcanico dall'età del Romanticismo all'età del nazionalismo

Attraversamenti di confini e pratiche di scrittura nella narrativa di Elvira Dones

Albanian writers have provided an invaluable contribution to Italian literature and to contemporary Italian
culture in the past thirty years. Such contribution is the most recent development of a long-standing
relationship between the two countries. The present article shortly summarizes the crucial moments in which
the history of Italy has intersected the history of Albania, focusing on mass migrations from Albania to Italy
and, in particular, on Albanian migrant writers and the ways in which they include different kinds of

BioNNA.The biodiversity national network of Albania

Recently, the Albanian Government started the process to join the European Union. This process also involves matching the EU parameters in protecting its biodiversity. In order to support the Albanian authorities, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Development Cooperation (DGCS) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) joined efforts in the project “Institutional Support to the Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Water Administration for Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation and Use in Protected Areas”.

The grammar of Italian Modernism in Albania. Transforming the Ottoman built environment

The paper explores the relation between space, both urban and rural territory arranged by Ottoman Empire, and a western power (Italy) that wanted to impose different aesthetic codes to shape new spatial structures, those derived from a complex blending of Modernism and rhetorical architecture (Ciucci, 1989). Italian modernism, at the beginning of twentieth century, molded autocratic spaces by four main design tools: pure volumes, colors and materials, rhythms, and scales (Rava, 1931).

Terza missione e cooperazione allo sviluppo: il progetto "Poliba2Albania"

Il paper descrive l’attività di ricerca scientifica e applicata, le esperienze progettuali, le collaborazioni culturali e gli scambi didattici sviluppati da ormai più di dieci anni presso il DICAR di Bari attraverso l’impegno di docenti, ricercatori, dottorandi e laureandi, rivolto alla conoscenza e valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico e paesaggistico dell’Albania.

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