Algebraic/geometric methods

Discrete port-controlled Hamiltonian dynamics and average passivation

The paper discusses the modeling and control of port-controlled Hamiltonian dynamics in a pure discrete-time domain. The main result stands in a novel differential-difference representation of discrete port-controlled Hamiltonian systems using the discrete gradient. In these terms, a passive output map is exhibited as well as a passivity based damping controller underlying the natural involvement of discrete-time average passivity.

Feedforwarding under sampling

The paper deals with stabilization of feedforwardmultiple cascade dynamics under sampling. It is shown that u-average passivity concepts and Lyapunov methods can be profitably exploited to provide a systematic sampled-data design procedure. The proposed methodology recalls the continuous-time feedforwarding steps and can be applied under the same assumptions as those set over the continuous-time cascade dynamics. The final sampled feedback is carried out through a three steps procedure that involves iterative passivation and stabilization in the u-average sense.

On stable right-inversion of non-minimum-phase systems

The paper deals with the characterization of a dummy ’output function’ associated with the stable component of the zero-dynamics of a linear square multi-input multi-output system. With reference to the 4-Tank dynamics, it is shown how such a procedure, applied to the linear tangent model of a nonlinear plant, may be profitably applied to assure local stability in closed loop.

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