amphibious architecture

Resilience in the mediterranean cities: an example of adaptation and risk reduction working on building types

The relationship between urban settlement and water has always been a challenging subject for
urban planners, nowadays it is even a more compelling subject due to the climate change and the
increasing number of natural disaster related to floods. Growth and development in every
civilization are closely connected to the forms of adaptation used to survive and thrive since ancient
times, flood adaptation instead of flood control is one of expedients that allow us to cope with such

Adapting towards resilience. Analysis of the construction features and dynamic energy performance of amphibious and floating houses

In the current scenario where urban areas are exposed to extreme climate phenomena, resilience of cities and buildings becomes fundamental.
Thus, not only defensive, traditional actions, but also alternative solutions towards resilience need to be implemented. Amphibious and floating houses, still not investigated in literature, allow the building to adapt to water presence due to their specific construction and technical properties.

Resilienza e adattamento. Caratteristiche costruttive e prestazione termo-energetica in regime dinamico di costruzioni galleggianti e anfibie

Negli attuali scenari di crescita delle aree urbane e del consumo di suolo e di inasprimento di fenomeni climatici estremi, la resilienza delle città e degli edifici assume un ruolo di primo piano. Tra i fenomeni più critici vi sono l’innalzamento del livello del mare e la maggiore frequenza e intensità dei fenomeni piovosi estremi, con la crescita del rischio di inondazione. È necessario, pertanto, implementare azioni difensive tradizionali ma anche soluzioni edilizie e tipologiche alternative per la resilienza.

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