anal canal

Transition of care in patients with anorectal malformation. Consensus by the ARM-net consortium

Objectives To develop the first consensus to standardize the management of patients with Anorectal Malformations (ARMs) transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Methods A dedicated task force of experts performed an extensive literature review and multiple meetings to define the most important aspects of transition of care. The findings were discussed with all ARM-net consortium members and a set of practical recommendations agreed upon at the annual meeting in 2016. Result We defined seven domains that are essential to provide an effective and practical transition process.

MRI reveals different Crohn's disease phenotypes in children and adults

To identify differences between two cohorts of adult and pediatric patients affected by Crohn’s disease (CD), withregard to lesion location in the small intestine and colon-rectum, lesion activity, and prevalence of perianal disease (PD), usingMRI as the main diagnostic tool.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed 350 consecutive MRI examinations performed between 2013 and 2016 in outpa-tients or inpatients with histologically proven CD, monitored by the Gastroenterology and Pediatric Units of our Hospital.The magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) protocol for adult and pediatric CD patients rou

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